

Bethany MOVES to KUWAIT!

Hey so, you wanna know one of the reasons why I absolutely adore blogging? Because I stalk blogs and then successfully convince its authors to follow me back on Twitter. Echoed by joining cliques I randomly produce.

Meet Bethany. Victim (slash winner) to all of thee above. No lies: I stalked her blog for several months. Then called her out on not following me back on Twitter. (She then followed me back/cheers.) Only before she happily obliged, along with Alexandra of She is Red (another MUST READ.) to join what I have now dubbed the Glam Gang (double cheers). Which by the way, anyone and everyone is welcome to join.. all you have to do is be silly and loving. And hashtag glamgang everywhere you go. Easy.

Anyway. If you don't follow Bethany already, you should. Not only is she beautiful, smart and charming, but she's about to embark on a pretty impressive and unique new chapter in her life, which I am very honored to preview here today. And also follow in the time to come!

So grab yourself a capri sun (or margarita, whatever) and get pumped for the following Q&A!!! It's a goodie!

♥           ♥           ♥           ♥ 

  1. Tell us the name of your blog and what it's all about.

Rinse Repeat is where I share my life via photos and thoughts, however messy they might be. Lately, life is pretty messy since I'm about to move across the world! Usually my blog focuses on travel and capturing the quieter part of myself that's tough to share in person. It's where I've turned to write about depression, heartache and anxieties...but also crafts, recipes and lots of parties.

I try to keep it as light as possible, and when that fails I throw in some glitter! 'Cause glitter solves any problem, right?

2. More importantly, what are you all about? What do you do for fun aside from blog?

Well, I'm frequently on the Twitta' and Instagram, which reveals this: I'm all about little moments. For most of my life, I've lived in a small Wisconsin town and my life matched it. Growing up, life happened at a fairly slow pace and there was plenty of time to make little flower arrangements or giggle with girlfriends over magazines. I always imagined I'd mature out of this slow-paced life to become a powerful CEO. Ha! That' didn't happen. Aside from now getting my passport stamped on a regular basis, I remain the same dorky Midwestern girl. I love spending my days fidgeting with home decor, shopping, reading biographies and catching up on the latest episode of Downtown Abbey.

Truth: I am ultra normal, dare I say...boring, at times, girl who eats a little too much. My well-worn yoga pants prove it.

3. Word on the net is that you're moving to Kuwait....what's that all about? Are you excited? Scared? Is it your first time living outside of the U.S.?

The rumors are true! Soon I shall be mingling with the Kuwaitis! My husband specializes in IT on various military bases...his latest job has taken him to Kuwait for a year. I'll be really honest: Kuwait wasn't my first choice. And I may have cried a bit. I visited for two weeks earlier this year, so I know what I'm getting into! But for many, many reasons I'm so jazzed to be there. Living inside a culture other than my own will be eye-opening, I'm sure, and I hope it will deepen and challenge me.

But socially and creatively, it's a little shocking! Although I won't be want for Pizza Hut or IKEA--Kuwait's retail options are highly westernized--their customs are quite conservative. Examples from what I've been advised: no baring of knees, cleavage or shoulders and little to no photos in public. Oh, and try not to look men directly in the eyes, as they're likely to think you're flirting with them.

In other words, take what you do in the US...and do the EXACT opposite. ;) All that said, seeing my husband on a daily basis is going to be inexplicably fantastic.

4. If you could split a scone with any female actress, dead or alive, who would it be?

Hands down, Tina Fey...but as Liz Lemon from 30 Rock. In that case, we'd probably ditch the scones, change into sweatpants and head over to Cinnabon, where our platonic relationship would really soar to new heights. Liz Lemon is one of those characters with whom I simply relate: a lifetime of sketchy boyfriends, the mediocre job and recurring social awkwardness. I love it, I love it all.

5. If you could ride on a ferris wheel with any hunk, dead or alive, who would it be?

Can we all swear this is a judge-free zone? I'm on a ferris wheel and to my left is...Anderson Cooper. The hunky silver fox, whose daytime talk show I rarely miss. Nevermind that he's rumored to have a boyfriend. In my ferris wheel dreams he's wearing his typical Anderson button-up shirt, sexy black glasses...and he is really in to me. No, it's not your typical crush. But, I feel this can be explained by stating that my husband is ten years older than me and therefore I've totally stopped digging 20-something guys. Oh, the scandal! And by scandal I grandmother publically discussing my need to start "trying" for children now, lest my husband be 80 when our children graduate. Thanks, Gram.

Anyway...ahem. Anderson Cooper.

6. What are some other places in the world you'd love to travel to?

Oh, lord. Everywhere. Aside from wanting to revisit Ireland and France, I'm dying to hit Italy, England or Switzerland. But beachy locales like Bali, Greece and Sri Lanka are also on my list (after a few months of working out). I'd do almost anything for a passport stamp. Almost. Annnnnything.

7. Tell us a few of your favorite blogs. You know, the ones you click onto almost every day.

I wish I had a reader's MO to explain what I like: events, decor, personal, shopping...I'm a grab bag. For me it's a balance of pretty pictures, good stories and a pinch of personality! Here are a few of my faves!

Creature Comforts, Making it Lovely, Katie's Pencil Box, Lovely Little Details

8. Any guilty pleasures? Help us all feel less alone... share 'em!

Cake. Cake all day long. And here's where it gets dirty: it's not fancy wild flavors or special frosting. We're talking $2 slabs of chocolate cake from any old grocery store...and I've perfected the art of eat the entire thing in one sitting.

Beyond that, any reality love + dating show will catch my eye. We're talking The Bachelor, Millionaire Matchmaker, Love in the Wild, old reruns of Temptation Island. I'm fully aware that I'm too intelligent and well-behaved to watch this filth. But, I just cannot stop. If there's love and people behaving badly...I'm hooked.

9. Bob or Jillian?

Bob, please! I'm such a soft, emotional person, and not necessarily the most motivated. Jillian would break me into four thousand tiny pieces, and leave me crying on the floor. Bob has a sweetness to him which could likely lead to a few extra trips to Subway if I were well-behaved.

♥           ♥           ♥           ♥ 

Hey now, see what I mean... is this girl cool or what.

I really hope you guys will take the time to hop on over to B's blog and drop her some love as she leaves for Kuwait TODAY!

Oh and one last thing... a farewell vlog for my friend :)

Vlogging.....definitely not my style, but every several days after a solar eclipse I'm happy to showcase some awkwardness for a blogging friend who is moving continents away. So, Bethany, this is for you!

And thank gooodness that our third GG mate, Alexandra, joined me in making a fooool of myself ! Haha. Thank you, A DIDDY !! :)

Bethany, we looooove you!


Post Edit: You guys. You MUST click on the link above and watch Alexandra's vlog. Homegirl did anything but make a fool of herself. She made me cry. It was that beautiful and heart felt. And dang it, now I'm just embarrassed of my silly little vee log above! Haha, YIKES.

All ok though. More than anything, I just sit here completely touched. This blogging world is so good. I am a million kinds of grateful for the friends I've made. Bethany. Alexandra. Everyone. All of you. You all make my heart smile. Day after day. Thank you.


  1. I love Bethany and her story. The way her husband proposed to her? Utterly romantic!

  2. I just love this so much. There are no words. Wait, just two: GLAM GANG!!!


    1. Um yeah. You made me cry with that v-log of yours. Good job.

      & I love you.

  3. First things first: GLAM GANG FOREVER. :)

    I can't believe you went to all this trouble...and cute veeelooog making just for me! But it totally made my day and definitely my week, too. You know I'm absolutely going to be tweeting you and A throughout this entire experience, and I'll be thinking of you during your big move to NYC! :) (And maybe I'll rock a vlog in tribute, too!) :)

    You're so right. I think it's the things that aren't optimal or glamorous that shape us into stronger people. I know this experience isn't going to be glam (how can it be? it's 100% margarita free...), but I feel that it's totally going to change me.

    Anyway, I feel like I could write a book here, but instead I'll just say that I can't really express how much this meant to me. Thank you so much. I haven't slept a wink tonight, and this made it all worth it. :)

    Much, much love to my glam gang girls! :)

    **In my defense** Until recently, was Twitt-illiterate and didn't know when people followed me. I promise I'm not just an a-hole! But I'm SO glad you called me out and made me hit follow!

    1. Hahaha no one thinks you're an a-hole ! I certainly didn't think that of you, not in the slightest!!! I just thought, "hey why won't this really cool girl follow me back? :( " and then it was just like FATE that one day when you and Alex were tweeting about how sad it is when people don't follow back. That was totally my ticket of opportunity right there to speak up, and girlfriend... I took it!

      So glad I did. :)

      So much more I could say too! Especially after watching Alex's vlog... man oh man. But I think she really said it all. We are so blessed to have formed these friendships and to be there for one another!


  4. Holy balls. I would probably pee myself if I found out I was moving to Kuwait!
    So awesome for her, though! I'm sure she will learn and experience so much while she's there!

  5. Wow! What a great post! Thank you for introducing these two (new to me) blogs! It's great that you all have found and formed such a great relationship and support group for all of your upcoming moves! Glad I can now follow along too!

    xo Kayla

  6. You girls & your friendship are just too sweet!! I love that all three of you have crazy adventures coming up and I may be less-than-secretly jealous of all these major plans! &&& Thanks for introducing me to the sheisred blog - already loving it!

  7. Yay, I have a new blog to stalk! :) What a cool, sweet girl. You picked good questions to ask, too, Miss Punky.

  8. Such a sweet blog on true blogging friends. I can't wait to having blog friends as close as you guys are :)


  9. I am our dear Bethany@rinserepeat's Mom in real life. By now you may know that she left our sweet little midwestern town early Monday morning and after many disappointing delays she officially made it to Kuwait this morning...Thursday afternoon Kuwait time. It has been quite the process watching and helping her get ready to go.

    Moms are often proud of their children and some people assume you are just because they are yours....but I am so proud and excited when I see and hear that other people appreciate and enjoy my kids for what they really are...really awesome people!

    Your vlogs were the perfect send off gift for her! Its hard to know what to do for her from a I guess I will continue to do what I have done for her when she's been near...pray for her and be her cheerleader!

    Btw...Friday June 8th is her birthday and I hope she won"t sleep thru the entire day due to jet lag! It will be her first full day in Kuwait!

    I stumbled on your blog thru her comment section...yes I'm a stalker! hehe And it was truly a delight to see her big beautiful smile pop up when I clicked on your blog!

    Thanks again for making my little girl smile!


Your comments make my day! I read each and every one of them and try to deliver a response to as many as I can! Unless there's a discussion going, I will usually reach back to you via e-mail. Thank you for your willingness to speak and share your thoughts :) You is dope.